Social Impact

¿What’s the target?
One of our goals is to support the sustainable development of small growers in the area, through training and formalization of their economic activity:
1) We develop alliances with small farmers, at the moment more than 50 families in the area are part of our program.
2) We encourage the creation of cooperatives and train them to produce export-quality fruits.
3) We establish stable and long-term pricing policies.
We work with more than 5 small farmers’ associations in the region, impacting directly more than 60 families.
Training small farmers and associates to look at their work with a entrepreneurial and corporate approach.
Engages in dialogues with local farmers in the Magdalena Department in collaboration with the government and national agricultural organizations.

Lecturer at different Universities about Mango Crops.
Committed to Good Agricultural Practices
Constant training for our team.
We support the regional working force.