That's right, exotic colombian fruits
+57 3187440628


We are a company that had its beginnings developing different crops at the end of the 80’s on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, in the Hacienda Mi Cabañita owned by Inversiones Acosta Hoyos.


Following that, we specialized in the sugar mango and Tommy Atkins mango crops, destined for the domestic market of Colombia. Due to its excellent quality, we started exporting to France in 2015.


With the aim of expanding the export potential and improving the income of mango growers in the region, alliances and training were carried out with small producers to improve their crops and phytosanitary practices.


The ICA «Colombian Agricultural Institute» certified compliance with Good Agricultural Practices to the crops of Inversiones Acosta Hoyos. In 2017 also the exports to Canada and Spain began


The corporate image of Colfrutta was changed and investments were made to expand the exported capacity.


The crops received the GLOBALGAP certification, continuing our commitment to maintain adequate and quality practices. Despite the pandemic, we maintained exported and safeguarded the jobs at our plant.


In 2023 we exported to the United States, being the first Colombian company to export sugar mango.

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